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こんにちは!The Language LoftのMaximeです。


1) ネイティブだからといって優れた教師とは限らないし、優れた教師が全員ネイティブとも限らない

ネイティブスピーカーだからといって、それだけで言語を教える資格があると考えるのは誤解です。例えば、日本語を話せるだけで外国人に日本語を教えられるでしょうか?言語を教えるには、その構造を深く理解し、それを明確に説明する能力が必要です。優れた言語教師の多くは、ネイティブ・非ネイティブを問わず、大学で教育方法論を学んでいます。ネイティブスピーカーであることが、文法や統語論、教育学の複雑さを理解していることを意味するわけではありません。 既に高いレベルに達していて、アクセントや流暢さを磨きたい場合は、ネイティブスピーカーが適しているかもしれません。しかし、ほとんどの学習者にとっては、教師の教育的な背景の方がネイティブであることよりも重要です。正式な教育訓練を受けていない教師は避けましょう。

2) 生徒の母語を理解していることはプラス

私はレッスン中はできるだけ英語を使うよう心がけていますが、生徒の母語をしっかり理解していることは多くの場面で有益です。これにより、円滑なコミュニケーションが可能となり、辞書を使わずに即座に翻訳を提供できます。さらに重要なのは、生徒の母語を理解することで、誤りの根本原因を特定できることです。ミスは多くの場合、論理的で言語特有の影響や母語からの直訳に起因します。 生徒を繰り返し訂正するだけでは、言語構造の違いに基づく理由を説明しない限り、効果は薄いです。両方の言語がなぜ異なる方法でアイデアを表現するのかを理解することで、理解と記憶が深まります。

3) 経験と専門性を重視する


4) 教え方を評価する


5) レビューや参考意見をチェックする


6) 実際的な考慮事項と利用可能性





How to Choose a Good English Teacher


Hello everyone! It's Maxime from The Language Loft!

You've decided to become fluent in English, and now you're looking for a teacher to help you achieve your goal. With the myriad of options available—from language schools and private lessons at a café to online sessions—the choices can be overwhelming. Here’s a concise guide to help you find the perfect teacher.

1) Natives Aren't All Good Teachers, and Good Teachers Aren't All Natives

There's a common misconception that being a native speaker automatically qualifies someone to teach their language. However, consider this: would you be able to teach Japanese to a foreigner just because you speak it? Teaching a language requires a deep understanding of its structure and the ability to explain it clearly. Many of the best language teachers, whether native or non-native, have studied teaching methodologies at university. Being a native speaker doesn't necessarily mean understanding the intricacies of grammar, syntax, and pedagogy.

If you're already at a high level and aim to refine your accent and fluency, a native speaker might be sufficient. However, for most learners, the teacher's educational background is more crucial than their nativeness. Avoid teachers who lack formal training in teaching.

2) Knowledge of the Student’s Language is a Plus

While I strive to use English as much as possible during lessons, having a solid grasp of my students' mother tongue is beneficial in many situations. It facilitates smoother communication and allows me to provide translations quickly without resorting to a dictionary. More importantly, understanding a student's native language helps me identify the root causes of their mistakes. Errors often stem from logical, language-specific influences or direct translations from the student’s mother tongue.

Repeatedly correcting a student without explaining the underlying reasons behind differences in language structures is less effective. Understanding why both languages express ideas differently aids in comprehension and retention.

3) Look for Experience and Specialization

Experience is a significant factor when choosing a private English teacher. Experienced teachers have likely encountered a wide range of learning styles and challenges, making them adept at customizing lessons to fit your needs. Additionally, consider teachers who specialize in your area of interest, whether it’s business English, academic writing, conversational skills, or exam preparation. A specialized teacher will be more knowledgeable about the specific vocabulary, contexts, and skills required for your goals. Most natives have never taken the TOEIC or Eiken exams and end up teaching methods to tackle an exam they know, in fact, very little of. If you want to improve in these exams, you might want to look for a teacher with experience in it.

4) Evaluate Their Teaching Style

Different teachers have different teaching styles, and it’s important to find one that matches your learning style. Some teachers might focus on structured lessons with a strong emphasis on grammar and writing, while others might prioritize conversation and practical usage. Consider what type of learning environment helps you thrive. Don’t hesitate to ask for a trial lesson or to observe a class to get a feel for their approach. As you do not teach small kids and adults the same way (imagine being asked to sing the alphabet song by your teacher), some teachers are more suited to kids while others excel more at teaching adults.

5) Check Reviews and References

Before committing to a teacher, look for reviews or ask for references from past students. Hearing about others’ experiences can provide valuable insight into the teacher’s effectiveness, reliability, and teaching style. Online platforms often have ratings and reviews, which can help you make an informed decision.

6) Consider Logistics and Availability

Practical considerations like scheduling and location are also important. Ensure that the teacher’s availability aligns with your schedule. If you prefer in-person lessons, consider the location and convenience of travel. For online lessons, check that your internet connection and equipment are suitable for a smooth learning experience. Unfortunately, online lessons often lack this little something in terms of human relation as you’re facing a screen, but it’s still a very viable option that I myself would not discard.


Choosing the right private English teacher involves considering several factors, from their educational background and experience to their teaching style and logistics. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can find a teacher who will not only help you achieve fluency in English but also make the learning process enjoyable and effective. Remember, the right teacher can make all the difference in your language learning journey.





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